SSI DNA – Dry Stick + Dry Stand Standard

Ready Stock JP
SKU: JAD-08230001 Kategori: , Stock:

Stand type to keep clean! Diatomaceous earth goods that bring about a maintenance revolution!

You’re worried about mold and bacteria after washing your masturbator.
However, my masturbator looks like it might hurt if I turn it over, and it’s kind of unsanitary to put it on a shelf or table while it’s still wet…

That’s where “Dry Stand” comes in!
A stand-type diatomaceous earth stick that dries wet masturbators while keeping them clean.
This highly absorbent diatomaceous earth is a safe natural material that is also used in coasters and bath mats.
Since it is uncolored, there is no need to worry about color transfer to the holes.
After soaking it up, you can reuse it as many times as you like by simply drying it in the shade.

The size of the stick you’re interested in is a very long total length of 170mm.
It is 20mm thick at its widest point, and has received great praise for its durability, water absorption, and stability.
However, the tip is tapered, making it very easy to insert.
After insertion, simply massage the hole from the outside and touch the flesh wall all around to absorb moisture.

The removable stand is also made of diatomaceous earth, so it picks up any dripping moisture.
Furthermore, this stand has a slit for passing the power cord through, so you can also set up your own masturbator warmer.
As a masturbator manufacturer, we have taken responsibility for developing this product down to the smallest detail.

size: H170mm x 14~21mm
Weight: 60g

size: H30mm x W70 x D70mm
Hole diameter: 22mm
Weight: 65g

size: H225 x W98 x D58mm (including hook part)

Total weight: 195g
Material: Diatomaceous earth

Berat0,21 kg
Sub Total:
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