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YELOLAB Vagina Monologues Sakurako Saotome

Ready Stock JP
SKU: 1REQ-104 Kategori: , Tag: Brand: Stock:

YELOLAB Vagina Monologues Sakurako Saotome
[Soft Material Internal Double Ring Tightened! Second Virgin Masturbation Hole] 


Tightening a sexless girl with an onahole !!

Va ● Na Monologue is an onahole with dual built-in “fasten engagement ring” that reproduces the tightening of the second virgin.
By embedding an elastic hard rubber ring in the center of the hole, a tight tightening like “Vana that has not been set for a long time” is realized.
Due to the effectiveness of the ring, you can enjoy the feeling of “refusing to expand the hole diameter” for the first time.
For the second and subsequent uses, the elastic fasten engagement ring will be expanded to “your size” and the fit will gradually increase.
The chapter of Va ● Na Monologue ~ Sakurako Saotome is an onahole that grows with “increasing fit” every time you use it.
Dedicated blister case for convenient storage and original lotion included.


Berat0,75 kg

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