Equipped with a complete transformation mechanism to Battroid mode, Gawalk mode, Fighter mode! Reproduce the internal mechanical details and shape mainly on the leg engine and cockpit. Reproduced with a complete transformation from a fighter to a gawalk and then to a batroid. A metal shaft is used to fold the wings and deform the nose to strengthen the strength of the shaft. The folding hinge of the nose is provided inside, and a double hinge structure that is inconspicuous when fighting is adopted. In the Battroid form, the waist rotates and realistic action is possible. The knees are bent backwards to reproduce the protruding legs that are unique to the gawalk form. Includes landing gear for parking and joints for “Action Base 1”. Weapons include gun pods and knives. The knife can be stored behind the shield.-The canopy is reproduced in clear, and a 1/72 sitting pilot figure is included. The manipulator comes with a weapon handle and left and right hands. A dummy wrist for deformation is also included. The marking of the aircraft is reproduced with two types of water slide decal and Tetron seal. * The image is a finished product.

Berat0.7 kg


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Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

1/72 VF-25F Messiah Valkyrie Alto Machine (Macross F (Frontier))


Tersedia di    Button-Klik-Tokopedia

SKU: TFG-0006
Kategori: , Tag: , , , , ,

Equipped with a complete transformation mechanism to Battroid mode, Gawalk mode, Fighter mode! Reproduce the internal mechanical details and shape mainly on the leg engine and cockpit. Reproduced with a complete transformation from a fighter to a gawalk and then to a batroid. A metal shaft is used to fold the wings and deform the nose to strengthen the strength of the shaft. The folding hinge of the nose is provided inside, and a double hinge structure that is inconspicuous when fighting is adopted. In the Battroid form, the waist rotates and realistic action is possible. The knees are bent backwards to reproduce the protruding legs that are unique to the gawalk form. Includes landing gear for parking and joints for “Action Base 1”. Weapons include gun pods and knives. The knife can be stored behind the shield.-The canopy is reproduced in clear, and a 1/72 sitting pilot figure is included. The manipulator comes with a weapon handle and left and right hands. A dummy wrist for deformation is also included. The marking of the aircraft is reproduced with two types of water slide decal and Tetron seal. * The image is a finished product.


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Hanya pelanggan yang sudah login dan telah membeli produk ini yang dapat memberikan ulasan.

Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

1/72 VF-25F Messiah Valkyrie Alto Machine (Macross F (Frontier))


Tersedia di    Button-Klik-Tokopedia

SKU: TFG-0006
Kategori: , Tag: , , , , ,