recorded music
Song title:

[Disc1] “Chainsaw Man Original Soundtrack Complete Edition – chainsaw edge fragments -” / CD
Artist: Kensuke Ushio
Song title:
1. edge of chainsaw [3:09] 2. the door [1:44] 3. imagine devils [1:30] 4. the devil hunter [1:26] 5. rain [1:30] 6. nail-biter [1:32] 7. black despair [2:00] 8. That’s a dream come true [1:43] 9. special division 4 [1:45] 10. looking for something [1:23] 11. living room [2:42] 12. chainsaw attacks! [1:05] 13. the devil appears [1:44] 14. destroy them all [1:03] 15. good night boy [0:37] 16. sweet dreams [2:28] 17. eat sleep play [1:04] 18. 100% sales tax [1:28] 19. kick ass! [1:35] 20. the golden bowlers [1:43] 21. search and destroy [2:00] 22.death cluster[0:37] 23. run [1:33] 24. confront [1:37] 25. humans are fools [1:28] 26. buddy [2:08] 27. song for unbirthday [1:43] 28. verge of death [1:58] 29. nmgeai [2:17] 30. dream…come true? [1:44] [Disc2] “Chainsaw Man Original Soundtrack Complete Edition – chainsaw edge fragments -” / CD
Artist: Kensuke Ushio
Song title:
1. you were here [2:46] 2. ave xxxxxx [1:19] 3. sepia [1:48] the bullet train[0:27] 5. brutal life [1:35] 6. he’s on the back foot [1:44] 7. arg. [1:45] 8. pain in the ass [1:27] 9. stranger in paranoid [2:06] 10. pong pong pong [1:49] 11. stay in the darkness [2:18] 12. crawler [1:59] 13.brotherhood [ 1:32 ] 14.gun, knife[0:46] 15. a tombsone [2:40] 16. tear off [2:06] 17. metal riser [1:06] 18. sword of hunter [2:37] 19. the end of childhood [2:29]


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Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

[2CD] Chainsawman Official Soundtrack


Tersedia di    Button-Klik-Tokopedia

SKU: ICD-0977 Kategori: , , Tag:

recorded music
Song title:

[Disc1] “Chainsaw Man Original Soundtrack Complete Edition – chainsaw edge fragments -” / CD
Artist: Kensuke Ushio
Song title:
1. edge of chainsaw [3:09] 2. the door [1:44] 3. imagine devils [1:30] 4. the devil hunter [1:26] 5. rain [1:30] 6. nail-biter [1:32] 7. black despair [2:00] 8. That’s a dream come true [1:43] 9. special division 4 [1:45] 10. looking for something [1:23] 11. living room [2:42] 12. chainsaw attacks! [1:05] 13. the devil appears [1:44] 14. destroy them all [1:03] 15. good night boy [0:37] 16. sweet dreams [2:28] 17. eat sleep play [1:04] 18. 100% sales tax [1:28] 19. kick ass! [1:35] 20. the golden bowlers [1:43] 21. search and destroy [2:00] 22.death cluster[0:37] 23. run [1:33] 24. confront [1:37] 25. humans are fools [1:28] 26. buddy [2:08] 27. song for unbirthday [1:43] 28. verge of death [1:58] 29. nmgeai [2:17] 30. dream…come true? [1:44] [Disc2] “Chainsaw Man Original Soundtrack Complete Edition – chainsaw edge fragments -” / CD
Artist: Kensuke Ushio
Song title:
1. you were here [2:46] 2. ave xxxxxx [1:19] 3. sepia [1:48] the bullet train[0:27] 5. brutal life [1:35] 6. he’s on the back foot [1:44] 7. arg. [1:45] 8. pain in the ass [1:27] 9. stranger in paranoid [2:06] 10. pong pong pong [1:49] 11. stay in the darkness [2:18] 12. crawler [1:59] 13.brotherhood [ 1:32 ] 14.gun, knife[0:46] 15. a tombsone [2:40] 16. tear off [2:06] 17. metal riser [1:06] 18. sword of hunter [2:37] 19. the end of childhood [2:29]


Belum ada ulasan.

Hanya pelanggan yang sudah login dan telah membeli produk ini yang dapat memberikan ulasan.

Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

[2CD] Chainsawman Official Soundtrack


Tersedia di    Button-Klik-Tokopedia

SKU: ICD-0977 Kategori: , , Tag: