Content introduction (from the publisher)
Early life, school days, past and future… Everything about “Yohei Kawakami” The

first essay by vocalist and guitarist Yohei Kawakami of the rock band [Alexandros].
This book contains episodes that Mr. Kawakami has never revealed about his childhood in Syria, his student life after returning to Japan, his thoughts on music that he made his debut in his late 20s, and his life from now on. It’s a good essay. It is a must-see book for fans, with many newly shot cuts including self-coordination.

[Profile] Yohei Kawakami
Born on June 22nd. He is the vocalist and guitarist of the four-piece rock band [Alexandros]. He writes and composes almost all the songs. He has provided music for a wide variety of TV dramas, commercials, movies, etc., and is supported by a wide range of people.

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[Alexandros] Kawakami Yohei Essay


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SKU: IDB-0105 Kategori: , , Tag:

Content introduction (from the publisher)
Early life, school days, past and future… Everything about “Yohei Kawakami” The

first essay by vocalist and guitarist Yohei Kawakami of the rock band [Alexandros].
This book contains episodes that Mr. Kawakami has never revealed about his childhood in Syria, his student life after returning to Japan, his thoughts on music that he made his debut in his late 20s, and his life from now on. It’s a good essay. It is a must-see book for fans, with many newly shot cuts including self-coordination.

[Profile] Yohei Kawakami
Born on June 22nd. He is the vocalist and guitarist of the four-piece rock band [Alexandros]. He writes and composes almost all the songs. He has provided music for a wide variety of TV dramas, commercials, movies, etc., and is supported by a wide range of people.


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Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

[Alexandros] Kawakami Yohei Essay


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SKU: IDB-0105 Kategori: , , Tag: