● “All overs MINI” is compact, easy to carry, and is not bulky even if you put it in a storage case on a business trip. It is easy to use due to its excellent elasticity and no odor peculiar to silicon products. It’s a merchandise centered around Kiou, but when you use it as a set with “Allovers Black Knight”, you can feel the new pleasure of adding electric power to the “movement” of your hands.
● The surface of “Allovers MINI” has an uneven appearance like a honeycomb, and the inside has a crunchy structure like scales. Since it can be used on both sides, each has a different feel. It is a thin material thicker than a condom, and the degree of tightening can be changed depending on the grip strength.
hatur nuhun @TitipJepang@bobsingadikrama sudah sampai alat latihannya dari Jepang. bisa langsung dipakai Marvelous buat latihan. rekomendasi nih, buat temen” baseball/softball yg kesulitan cari alat latihan ⚾️⚾️ pic.twitter.com/aOOgaZEZgT
terima kasih @TitipJepang yang selalu jadi tempatku mencari-cari ke sana kemari merch band si paling bernama panjang (yang orang nihon pun kesulitan ngucapin) ✨ selalu sat set wat wet, rate termurah~ pic.twitter.com/BD17RXWXB2