Bit Cash

SKU: GFT-BCH-001x Kategori: , Stock:

BitCash is one of Japan’s E-money used for online payment for Japanese online services, online games, SNS, video and music downloads. Japan BitCash Gift Card is a safe and easy-to-use Internet cash in the form of prepaid cards.

BitCash official website is Example supported games are Ameba, Mobage, DMM,etc.

Important Notice:
New BitCash (10-year validity period, referred as “New BitCash”), the original BitCash (no validity period, referred as “Old BitCash”) will expire at 11:00 on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. Customer owned Old Bitcash will not able to use after the stated date, convert your Old Bitcash here now.

Check your card balance at Bitcash Balance Inquiry

Note: This product is valid for 6 months and is non-refundable, non-replaceable, and non-extendable after this period.


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