Stopper to prevent sideways shift
The stopper is inserted into the gap between the seat and the seat, making it comfortable to use when getting in and out of the seat.
Non-slip fabric】Backside is made of non-slip fabric to prevent slipping on genuine seats and leather seats.
The back side is made of non-slip fabric to prevent slipping on genuine seats and leather seats, and can be used safely in the driver’s seat.
Shape that follows the shape of the seat.
Designed to follow the shape of the seat, it can be used for various types of vehicles from minicars to minivans.
Leather color: Black
Size: 46 cm (width) X 47 cm (length)

  • Garson DAD Seat Cushion
  • Material: PU Leather
  • Width 18.1 inches (460 mm) x Height 18.5 inches (470
  • Non-slip fabric
  • Contoured to seat
  • Comes with a stopper that plugs into the gap of the seat, so you can use it comfortably when you get in or out of the seat.
Berat0.4 kg


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Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.



Tersedia di    Button-Klik-Tokopedia

SKU: CAR-0014
Kategori: , , Tag:

Stopper to prevent sideways shift
The stopper is inserted into the gap between the seat and the seat, making it comfortable to use when getting in and out of the seat.
Non-slip fabric】Backside is made of non-slip fabric to prevent slipping on genuine seats and leather seats.
The back side is made of non-slip fabric to prevent slipping on genuine seats and leather seats, and can be used safely in the driver’s seat.
Shape that follows the shape of the seat.
Designed to follow the shape of the seat, it can be used for various types of vehicles from minicars to minivans.
Leather color: Black
Size: 46 cm (width) X 47 cm (length)

  • Garson DAD Seat Cushion
  • Material: PU Leather
  • Width 18.1 inches (460 mm) x Height 18.5 inches (470
  • Non-slip fabric
  • Contoured to seat
  • Comes with a stopper that plugs into the gap of the seat, so you can use it comfortably when you get in or out of the seat.


Belum ada ulasan.

Hanya pelanggan yang sudah login dan telah membeli produk ini yang dapat memberikan ulasan.

Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.



Tersedia di    Button-Klik-Tokopedia

SKU: CAR-0014
Kategori: , , Tag: