Doujin SAKAMOTO DAYS – Bedroom (MILKPAN – Yoshida Akira) 20p

Ready Stock JP
SKU: BKDQ-0175 Kategori: , Stock:

Doujin SAKAMOTO DAYS – Bedroom is an adult-oriented story about Raku and Nagumo, where Nagumo loses. Nagumo is held captive and his body is opened, while Raku enjoys the spoils of war.

Spesifikasi Lengkap:
  • Circle: MILKPAN
  • Author: Yoshida Akira
  • Pairing: Raku x Nagumo
  • Type/Size: Doujinshi – Manga/ A5 20p
  • Publication Date: 2024/09/01

 Doujin SAKAMOTO DAYS - Bedroom (MILKPAN - Yoshida Akira) 20p

Doujin SAKAMOTO DAYS – Bedroom (MILKPAN – Yoshida Akira) 20p

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SKU: BKDQ-0175

Berat0,08 kg
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