Doujin SAKAMOTO DAYS – Even If it’s a HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY, yeah! day! (Nouen – Ringo) 36p

Ready Stock JP
SKU: BKDQ-0173 Kategori: , Stock:

Doujin SAKAMOTO DAYS – Even If it’s a HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY, yeah! day! is a manga about the happy birthday of Nagumo, the boy from Nagushishi, who just started dating. It is about a fluffy-brained lovey-dovey couple.

Spesifikasi Lengkap:
  • Circle: Nouen
  • Author: Ringo
  • Pairing: Nagumo Gods Tour
  • Type/Size: Doujinshi – Manga/ A5 36p
  • Publication Date: 2024/10/27

 Doujin SAKAMOTO DAYS - Even If it's a HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY, yeah! day! (Nouen - Ringo) 36p

Doujin SAKAMOTO DAYS – Even If it’s a HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY, yeah! day! (Nouen – Ringo) 36p

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SKU: BKDQ-0173

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