Doujin SAKAMOTO DAYS – Hare and Ke 24p (Meruti Bunshi – Kabosui)

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SKU: BKDQ-0170 Kategori: , Stock:

Doujin SAKAMOTO DAYS – Hare and Ke is a story about the two of them getting cozy at the memorable place where they met again on the day of Natsuo’s JCC graduation ceremony. Although there are some small mishaps, the atmosphere is bright and happy from beginning to end.

Spesifikasi Lengkap:
  • Circle: Meruti Bunshi
  • Author: Kabosui
  • Pairing: Natsuo Seba × Shin Asakura
  • Type/Size: Doujinshi – Manga/ A5 24p
  • Publication Date: 2025/01/24

 Doujin SAKAMOTO DAYS - Hare and Ke 24p (Meruti Bunshi - Kabosui)

Doujin SAKAMOTO DAYS – Hare and Ke 24p (Meruti Bunshi – Kabosui)

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SKU: BKDQ-0170

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