Happy Hacking Keyboard HYBRID Type-S English Black

SKU: PCL-0030 Kategori: ,
HHKB Professional HYBRID Type-S English layout / ink

“Type-S” key structure with excellent Bluetooth connection and USB connection (Type-C), key map change function, Speed ​​(high-speed typing) and Silent (quietness).
It is
a flagship model that easily responds to every aspect of the modern IT scene by repeating many innovations on the tradition .

[Important Information for Mac OS Customers]

–Notes on Bluetooth Connection –When “FileVault is On” When
using with Bluetooth connection, you cannot enter the login password at startup.
Please use the following method to enter the login password at startup.

* You can enter the login password when waking up from sleep.

-Connect the Mac keyboard or other USB keyboard and enter the login password-Connect with a
USB cable (commercially available USB Type-C) and enter the login password

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