From “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY”, the main character Destiny Gundam is three-dimensionalized in the latest HG format! ■Completely new modeling. The double joints built into the body allow you to reproduce the characteristic forward bending action of the Destiny Gundam. ■The side armor slides backwards to avoid interference with the legs and has a structure that does not limit the range of movement. ■Clear parts are included for the beam effects of the Destiny Gundam’s symbol, the “Wings of Light” and the beam cannon “Palma Fiocina”. ■ Hand parts include a hand grip that can hold a weapon and an open hand for “Palma Fiocina”. ■A variety of weapons are included, including Arondite, high-energy long-range beam cannon, beam boomerang, and more.
[Accessories] ■Arondight Beam Sword x1
■High Energy Long Range Beam Cannon x1
■Shield x1 ■
Beam Shield x1
■High Energy Beam Rifle x1
■Beam Boomerang x2
■Wings of Light x1 Type
■Palma Fio Keena effect parts x 1
■Hands for Palma Fiokina x 1 each for left and right

[Product details] ■Molded product x 11
■Foil seal x 1
■Instruction manual x 1

Berat1 kg


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Item belum rilis di Jepang dan masih dalam masa pre-order. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah tanggal perilisan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.



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SKU: POTX-0323707
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From “Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY”, the main character Destiny Gundam is three-dimensionalized in the latest HG format! ■Completely new modeling. The double joints built into the body allow you to reproduce the characteristic forward bending action of the Destiny Gundam. ■The side armor slides backwards to avoid interference with the legs and has a structure that does not limit the range of movement. ■Clear parts are included for the beam effects of the Destiny Gundam’s symbol, the “Wings of Light” and the beam cannon “Palma Fiocina”. ■ Hand parts include a hand grip that can hold a weapon and an open hand for “Palma Fiocina”. ■A variety of weapons are included, including Arondite, high-energy long-range beam cannon, beam boomerang, and more.
[Accessories] ■Arondight Beam Sword x1
■High Energy Long Range Beam Cannon x1
■Shield x1 ■
Beam Shield x1
■High Energy Beam Rifle x1
■Beam Boomerang x2
■Wings of Light x1 Type
■Palma Fio Keena effect parts x 1
■Hands for Palma Fiokina x 1 each for left and right

[Product details] ■Molded product x 11
■Foil seal x 1
■Instruction manual x 1


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Item belum rilis di Jepang dan masih dalam masa pre-order. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah tanggal perilisan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.



Stok habis

SKU: POTX-0323707
Kategori: , Tag: