From Shin Kamen Rider, the “Kamen Rider Transformation Belt Typhoon Prana Forced Emission Aid Early Model with HENSHIN ACTION CASE” has arrived
“HENSHIN ACTION CASE” is a smartphone type gadget case equipped with a gimmick transformation belt that turns your smartphone into a transformation belt. It can transform into the concept of playing actions
The model of the main unit is designed based on the design data of the transformation belt from the toy version, and has been paid attention to detail. The painting has been reproduced as the same color as the props
In addition, when you pull the lever on the side of the main body manually, the middle part of the belt rotates the gimmick, so you can enjoy the transformation action just like in the movie. Not only can it be used as a case but also a toy to play with
Designed to not block the charging connector or speaker, it also functions as a smartphone case. In addition, the camera function can be used by sliding the cover part of the main unit, and the first gimmick is equipped with the HENSHIN ACTION CASE
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