[Latest issue] Ingoshima Volume 14
Ready Stock JPNaguo, who bounced off Alex’s whole fist and won the “seri”, was given the right to embrace Akira as Yomego as nominated. Beloved Akira’s white skin is trampled on as he pleases by Nagwo’s unbelievably human body. Alex endures with the thought of throwing up his blood, but when he sees Akira’s tears, he hardens his resolve to die. Alex uses a moment’s chance to snatch Jiubei’s sword and slashes Naguo’s private parts with a single stroke. It was the singing voices of the five girls that echoed in the venue that stopped Jiubei, who was enraged and shouted, “Capture him, kill him!” Meanwhile, Keita and the others discover Akira’s stranded cruiser. Keita’s reading hits the mark. What was left inside the wrecked ship by “Shuukaku” was gadgets and weapons that Shimabito and the others did not understand―― Will people be saved in the silent horizon that blooms at the end of the stimulus that runs through the five senses? ――Is the joy of life itself, which blooms profusely on the surface of calm water without a single wave, the very salvation? A tribal survival story that draws out the contours of bare human existence! Book only, “Ingoshima R Harae” depicting “Kiyome no Gi” awaiting Seina and others in Ooku!
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