If you open your small mouth, a “silicone tooth” will greet
you and gently bite you.

And a “soft tongue” with a length of 5 cm is placed in the mouth.

You can enjoy the sticky and entwined feeling.

In addition, there are “polar wart balls” and “mucous folds” on the back of the throat, and when you deep throat, you can enjoy the three-stage contrast of [sweet bite → entangled tongue → adsorption].

[Indecent Eye Drip! ] is a new sensational blowhole where you can experience deep throat oral vacuum.

With maccos original lotion
Product size: 75mm x 80mm x 150mm 380g
Box size: 180mm x 113mm x 90mm 510g

Berat1.35 kg


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Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

Maccos – Climax Vacuum Indecent Eye Drip


SKU: ONH-0677
Kategori: , Tag:

If you open your small mouth, a “silicone tooth” will greet
you and gently bite you.

And a “soft tongue” with a length of 5 cm is placed in the mouth.

You can enjoy the sticky and entwined feeling.

In addition, there are “polar wart balls” and “mucous folds” on the back of the throat, and when you deep throat, you can enjoy the three-stage contrast of [sweet bite → entangled tongue → adsorption].

[Indecent Eye Drip! ] is a new sensational blowhole where you can experience deep throat oral vacuum.

With maccos original lotion
Product size: 75mm x 80mm x 150mm 380g
Box size: 180mm x 113mm x 90mm 510g


Belum ada ulasan.

Hanya pelanggan yang sudah login dan telah membeli produk ini yang dapat memberikan ulasan.

Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

Maccos – Climax Vacuum Indecent Eye Drip


SKU: ONH-0677
Kategori: , Tag: