Cover: Saki Sugawara (Nogizaka46)
Appendix: Double-Sided Super Big Poster of Saki Sugawara (Nogizaka46)

Amazingly overwhelming potential!
Sakizuki Sugawara, a 5th term student of Nogizaka46, makes her first appearance on the cover of B.L.T.!

On the cover and front gravure of the January 2023 issue of B.L.T., which will be on sale on Thursday, November 24th, is the first appearance of Sakigetsu Sugawara, a 5th term student of Nogizaka46.
The magazine features Saki Sugawara from Nogizaka46!
The 5th term students of Nogizaka46 joined the group in February this year and are gradually making their presence known.
She is one of the most popular students in the 5th term of Nogizaka46, and her song “Saki Sugawara” is included in their 30th single “I Like to Rock! included in Nogizaka46’s 30th single
The song “Band-Aid wo Rip off the Band-Aid and Say Goodbye” is included in the 30th single of Nogizaka46, “Suki wa Sokutei wa Rock!
Saki Sugawara, who has been shining brightly, makes her first appearance in B.L.T. and graces the cover for the first time!

Although slender and mature looking, Sugawara is actually still in her second year of high school.
She is seen in a life-size pose standing up on the sofa with her cute twin-tail hair in a youthful and cute manner, and in a transparent black one-piece dress, looking like an adult.
She is styled in five different ways, including a beautiful figure in a transparent black one-piece dress and mature make-up.
She is shown in all of her charms!
The over 30-page oversized volume shows the potential of the future ace candidate to the fullest.
In addition, a long interview of approximately 8,000 words reveals the true face of Sugawara.
The interview also includes a behind-the-scenes look at how people reacted when he joined the group, how he was chosen to play the center role in the production of a 5th term song, and the current 5th term students as a whole.
The interview also includes some of Sugawara’s unknown episodes, such as the current 5th term students as a whole.
We also asked him to answer “46 questions and 46 answers,” which is a part of the 5th term students’ series.
This book is a must-read for those who want to know more about the “future of Nogizaka46,” Sakigetsu Sugawara!

Berat0.65 kg


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Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

[Magazine] B.L.T. January 2023 Issue Cover Sugawara Satsuki


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Cover: Saki Sugawara (Nogizaka46)
Appendix: Double-Sided Super Big Poster of Saki Sugawara (Nogizaka46)

Amazingly overwhelming potential!
Sakizuki Sugawara, a 5th term student of Nogizaka46, makes her first appearance on the cover of B.L.T.!

On the cover and front gravure of the January 2023 issue of B.L.T., which will be on sale on Thursday, November 24th, is the first appearance of Sakigetsu Sugawara, a 5th term student of Nogizaka46.
The magazine features Saki Sugawara from Nogizaka46!
The 5th term students of Nogizaka46 joined the group in February this year and are gradually making their presence known.
She is one of the most popular students in the 5th term of Nogizaka46, and her song “Saki Sugawara” is included in their 30th single “I Like to Rock! included in Nogizaka46’s 30th single
The song “Band-Aid wo Rip off the Band-Aid and Say Goodbye” is included in the 30th single of Nogizaka46, “Suki wa Sokutei wa Rock!
Saki Sugawara, who has been shining brightly, makes her first appearance in B.L.T. and graces the cover for the first time!

Although slender and mature looking, Sugawara is actually still in her second year of high school.
She is seen in a life-size pose standing up on the sofa with her cute twin-tail hair in a youthful and cute manner, and in a transparent black one-piece dress, looking like an adult.
She is styled in five different ways, including a beautiful figure in a transparent black one-piece dress and mature make-up.
She is shown in all of her charms!
The over 30-page oversized volume shows the potential of the future ace candidate to the fullest.
In addition, a long interview of approximately 8,000 words reveals the true face of Sugawara.
The interview also includes a behind-the-scenes look at how people reacted when he joined the group, how he was chosen to play the center role in the production of a 5th term song, and the current 5th term students as a whole.
The interview also includes some of Sugawara’s unknown episodes, such as the current 5th term students as a whole.
We also asked him to answer “46 questions and 46 answers,” which is a part of the 5th term students’ series.
This book is a must-read for those who want to know more about the “future of Nogizaka46,” Sakigetsu Sugawara!


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Hanya pelanggan yang sudah login dan telah membeli produk ini yang dapat memberikan ulasan.

Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

[Magazine] B.L.T. January 2023 Issue Cover Sugawara Satsuki


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Tersedia di      Button-Klik-Tokopedia

SKU: IDB-0335 Kategori: , Tag: