Nagamochi! Maintenance kit plus 8-SDM-093

Ready Stock JP
SKU: JAD-08230005 Kategori: , Stock:

Protect your beloved instrument (hole) with three powers!

Kitel Kitel’s maintenance kit is now available as + (plus)!
A wiping stick with excellent water absorption performance.
A sterilizing spray that has sterilizing performance, deodorizing and deodorizing effects, and is also safe for the human body.
Medical grade fine-grained whole powder.
A 3-piece set of high-performance, multi-purpose care products that includes 3 useful items.
This product is a joke item. We are not responsible for any use of this information for other purposes.

Exterior size: Width 220mm Height 150mm Depth 40mm
Total weight: 160g
Body weight: 110g

Berat0,2 kg
Sub Total:
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