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NieR:Automata Ver1.1a Fragrance 9S (Yorha No. 9 Type S)

SKU: POTJ0923-626 Kategori: , , Brand:

The clear scent of tea overlaps with the soft petals of freesia, creating a calm atmosphere. The sweet and sour taste of raspberries is somehow innocent and adorable.
However, behind that, Amber’s warmth lurks, conveying her feelings that she cannot hide.
A light fragrance that gives you a feeling of purity and transparency.
Apricot, Freesia, Tea, Violet

Raspberry, Muguet, Cedarwood

Amber, Musk, Vetiver, Sandalwood

[ About each note ]
Product size: 86mm x 55mm x 29mm
Package size: 90mm x 58mm x 33mm
Contents: 30ml
Ingredients: Ethanol, fragrance, coloring
Country of origin: Japan

Berat0,16 kg

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