Content introduction (from the publisher)
The first and last photobook of Fuu Yabushita, who has been active for 4 years as a 1st generation member of STU48.
In her SNS fan vote, her fans’ voices were also reflected, such as recruiting clothes she wanted to wear, locations she wanted to visit, and situations. She also tried her swimsuit for the first time. She wears 3 types of swimsuits in 3 situations. Kaede Yabushita said, “I want my fans to smile when they see me smile.” One.

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Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

[Photobook] Yabushita Fuu Sayonara no Yoin


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SKU: IDB-0125
Kategori: , , Tag:
Series: ,

Content introduction (from the publisher)
The first and last photobook of Fuu Yabushita, who has been active for 4 years as a 1st generation member of STU48.
In her SNS fan vote, her fans’ voices were also reflected, such as recruiting clothes she wanted to wear, locations she wanted to visit, and situations. She also tried her swimsuit for the first time. She wears 3 types of swimsuits in 3 situations. Kaede Yabushita said, “I want my fans to smile when they see me smile.” One.


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Hanya pelanggan yang sudah login dan telah membeli produk ini yang dapat memberikan ulasan.

Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

[Photobook] Yabushita Fuu Sayonara no Yoin


Stok habis

SKU: IDB-0125
Kategori: , , Tag:
Series: ,