Proof of masterpiece File No005 Zhang Shino-meh hana-kayanagi waist

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SKU: ONH-0388 Kategori: , Brand: Stock:

Introducing the 5th proof of a well-established and popular instrument!
This time, it is a masterpiece hall in the series that incorporates Asian beauty and adds new technology.
China Net Search No. The complete transplant hole, which was realized with the cooperation of model 1 “Zhang Xiaoyu”, creates a more realistic feeling than ever with the mucous membrane material and double molding that allows
you to experience her as it is, which was only touched in the photographs so far. The interior is lined with light red coloring and raised folds, and the numerous gimmicks expressed by the familiar dimensionless processing overlap with the soft and abundant wall thickness, wrapping the penis with an exquisite approach. Accessories: Mini lotion

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