• Daiwa’s first! The long-awaited Tanago Mabuna rod is finally here!
  • Wide variation that covers from Hoso’s Okametanago to Mabuna in a large place
  • 0.5mm carbon solid tip with clear sensitivity in myak fishing
  • Tanago, Mabuna, Moroko, Kuchiboso, Tenaga shrimp, Goby … 8 inch sword fishing rod that is ideal for small fishing
  • With a spatula-like grip wrapped with yarn that does not get cold even when fishing in the cold winter, the size and shape can be arranged for each item.
  • A design that is firmly built up to the middle section. Achieves surprising lightness with a carbon content of 98%.
  • An ultra-compact design with a size of 8 inches (about 24.5 cm) that follows the tradition of a tanago rod that fits comfortably in a water box (tanago box).
  • A bottom plug with a drain hole that allows the rod to be taken in and out smoothly and drains accumulated water.
  • * Due to the characteristics of the product, # 1 and # 2 are very thin, and # 1 does not pass through # 2 with Lillian attached. Therefore, after parts # 1 and # 2 will be provided as a set of # 1 and # 2. Please note.
  • * If a large object such as a large mabuna or carp is hung, be sure to use a ball net to prevent damage to the rod.
Berat0.1 kg


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*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

Daiwa Hinata 8 Shaku

Terjual: 1


Standard total length:2.45m
Number of joints:14
Standard weight:46g
Tip diameter:0.5 mm
Original diameter:13.5mm
Carbon content:98%
SKU: REQ-00149 Kategori: Tag: , ,
  • Daiwa’s first! The long-awaited Tanago Mabuna rod is finally here!
  • Wide variation that covers from Hoso’s Okametanago to Mabuna in a large place
  • 0.5mm carbon solid tip with clear sensitivity in myak fishing
  • Tanago, Mabuna, Moroko, Kuchiboso, Tenaga shrimp, Goby … 8 inch sword fishing rod that is ideal for small fishing
  • With a spatula-like grip wrapped with yarn that does not get cold even when fishing in the cold winter, the size and shape can be arranged for each item.
  • A design that is firmly built up to the middle section. Achieves surprising lightness with a carbon content of 98%.
  • An ultra-compact design with a size of 8 inches (about 24.5 cm) that follows the tradition of a tanago rod that fits comfortably in a water box (tanago box).
  • A bottom plug with a drain hole that allows the rod to be taken in and out smoothly and drains accumulated water.
  • * Due to the characteristics of the product, # 1 and # 2 are very thin, and # 1 does not pass through # 2 with Lillian attached. Therefore, after parts # 1 and # 2 will be provided as a set of # 1 and # 2. Please note.
  • * If a large object such as a large mabuna or carp is hung, be sure to use a ball net to prevent damage to the rod.


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Hanya pelanggan yang sudah login dan telah membeli produk ini yang dapat memberikan ulasan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.



Set of 2 Film Cameras


Daiwa Hinata 8 Shaku

Terjual: 1


Standard total length:2.45m
Number of joints:14
Standard weight:46g
Tip diameter:0.5 mm
Original diameter:13.5mm
Carbon content:98%
SKU: REQ-00149 Kategori: Tag: , ,