Pursuing and carefully selecting the compatibility of the ingredients, we use Kyoto Hojicha and Hokkaido milk. Hojicha powder is applied to the outside of the candy, and the scent and flavor spreads as soon as you put it in your mouth. Hojicha paste and milk are combined in the candy dough, so you can enjoy a gentle taste that matches the fragrance in the mellow sweetness.

Berat0.08 kg


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*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

Senjaku Amehonpo Hojicha Latte Candy


Stok habis

Pursuing and carefully selecting the compatibility of the ingredients, we use Kyoto Hojicha and Hokkaido milk. Hojicha powder is applied to the outside of the candy, and the scent and flavor spreads as soon as you put it in your mouth. Hojicha paste and milk are combined in the candy dough, so you can enjoy a gentle taste that matches the fragrance in the mellow sweetness.

SKU: TBW-00232 Kategori:

Pursuing and carefully selecting the compatibility of the ingredients, we use Kyoto Hojicha and Hokkaido milk. Hojicha powder is applied to the outside of the candy, and the scent and flavor spreads as soon as you put it in your mouth. Hojicha paste and milk are combined in the candy dough, so you can enjoy a gentle taste that matches the fragrance in the mellow sweetness.


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*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

Senjaku Amehonpo Hojicha Latte Candy


Stok habis

Pursuing and carefully selecting the compatibility of the ingredients, we use Kyoto Hojicha and Hokkaido milk. Hojicha powder is applied to the outside of the candy, and the scent and flavor spreads as soon as you put it in your mouth. Hojicha paste and milk are combined in the candy dough, so you can enjoy a gentle taste that matches the fragrance in the mellow sweetness.

SKU: TBW-00232 Kategori: