A candy made from the fruit of “Naoshichi (variety name: Takuma Sudachi)”, a special product of Sukumo City, Kochi Prefecture. Naochi is a rare citrus that is said to be “phantom citrus” because of its low production volume. A refreshingly throat candy that balances the sourness, sweetness, and bitterness that characterize Naoshichi. This product contains vitamin C and 11 kinds of Japanese and Chinese extracts.

Berat0.08 kg


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*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

Senjaku Amehonpo Illusionary Citrus Naoshichi Throat Candy


Stok habis

A candy made from the fruit of “Naoshichi (variety name: Takuma Sudachi)”, a special product of Sukumo City, Kochi Prefecture. Naochi is a rare citrus that is said to be “phantom citrus” because of its low production volume. A refreshingly throat candy that balances the sourness, sweetness, and bitterness that characterize Naoshichi. This product contains vitamin C and 11 kinds of Japanese and Chinese extracts.

SKU: TBW-00239 Kategori:

A candy made from the fruit of “Naoshichi (variety name: Takuma Sudachi)”, a special product of Sukumo City, Kochi Prefecture. Naochi is a rare citrus that is said to be “phantom citrus” because of its low production volume. A refreshingly throat candy that balances the sourness, sweetness, and bitterness that characterize Naoshichi. This product contains vitamin C and 11 kinds of Japanese and Chinese extracts.


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*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

Senjaku Amehonpo Illusionary Citrus Naoshichi Throat Candy


Stok habis

A candy made from the fruit of “Naoshichi (variety name: Takuma Sudachi)”, a special product of Sukumo City, Kochi Prefecture. Naochi is a rare citrus that is said to be “phantom citrus” because of its low production volume. A refreshingly throat candy that balances the sourness, sweetness, and bitterness that characterize Naoshichi. This product contains vitamin C and 11 kinds of Japanese and Chinese extracts.

SKU: TBW-00239 Kategori: