Thick and hard to break, perfect for maintenance of large halls and love dolls! The
“DNA Dry Stand”, which is very popular among masturbator users around the world, is finally available in stick type in response to hot requests.

Masturbator that touches delicate parts directly, even after washing, you are worried about mold and bacteria.

On the other hand, turning the masturbator inside out seems to hurt, and putting it on a shelf or table while it’s still wet is kind of filthy…

That’s where “DNA Dry Stick” comes in!
A diatomaceous earth stick that dries wet masturbators while keeping them clean.

This highly absorbent diatomaceous earth is a safe natural material that is also used for coasters and bath mats.

Since it is uncolored, there is no need to worry about color transfer to the hole.

After letting it fully absorb, you can reuse it as many times as you like by simply drying it in the shade.

The size to be worried about is a long total length of 170 mm that reaches the back.

The maximum thickness is 22mm, and we are confident in its durability and water absorption.

And yet, the tip is tapered, making it very easy to insert.

After inserting, simply rub the hole lightly from the outside and touch the surrounding meat wall to absorb moisture.

Berat0.19 kg


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Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

SSI DNA dry stick


SKU: RAC-0125
Kategori: , Tag:

Thick and hard to break, perfect for maintenance of large halls and love dolls! The
“DNA Dry Stand”, which is very popular among masturbator users around the world, is finally available in stick type in response to hot requests.

Masturbator that touches delicate parts directly, even after washing, you are worried about mold and bacteria.

On the other hand, turning the masturbator inside out seems to hurt, and putting it on a shelf or table while it’s still wet is kind of filthy…

That’s where “DNA Dry Stick” comes in!
A diatomaceous earth stick that dries wet masturbators while keeping them clean.

This highly absorbent diatomaceous earth is a safe natural material that is also used for coasters and bath mats.

Since it is uncolored, there is no need to worry about color transfer to the hole.

After letting it fully absorb, you can reuse it as many times as you like by simply drying it in the shade.

The size to be worried about is a long total length of 170 mm that reaches the back.

The maximum thickness is 22mm, and we are confident in its durability and water absorption.

And yet, the tip is tapered, making it very easy to insert.

After inserting, simply rub the hole lightly from the outside and touch the surrounding meat wall to absorb moisture.


Belum ada ulasan.

Hanya pelanggan yang sudah login dan telah membeli produk ini yang dapat memberikan ulasan.

Item tersedia dan dapat dibeli langsung di store Jepang. Estimasi tiba di Indonesia dalam 4-6 minggu setelah pemesanan.

*Estimasi waktu dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu yang disebabkan oleh berubahnya tanggal perilisan, kelancaran distribusi oleh seller dan antrian pengiriman di gudang Titip Jepang.

SSI DNA dry stick


SKU: RAC-0125
Kategori: , Tag: