TENGA Flip Hole Red

Ready Stock JP
SKU: ONH-0069 Kategori: Brand: Stock:

“RED & SILVER” is newly born in HOLE and TENGA flip holes that adopted a novel idea. The rich lineup that pursues further possibilities expands your world.

FLIP HOLE RED Dense brush gel entwines smoothly from all sides!

● Brush gel with dense fine protrusions entwines smoothly

● Continuous ribs that give a pleasant stimulus like rubbing in smoothness

● Spread radially Spicy stimulation of the tip by fan-shaped ribs

* Economical because it can be used repeatedly

[Accessories] The TENGA flip hole comes with 3 mini bottles containing 1 TENGA hole lotion [REAL / MILD / WILD]. I am.

Berat0,75 kg

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